
  • 在本文中,我们将介绍建模和分析商业策略的不同方法,确定如何制定最佳商业策略,并解释为什么仿真建模是解决此类挑战的最佳方法。

  • 诸如工厂和仓库之类的物料搬运过程,管理和优化都很复杂。仿真提供了一种易于理解和交流的方式来分析和改善物料搬运的过程。可以在我们的白皮书中了解企业如何通过物料搬运仿真受益。

  • 希望在竞争中保持领先地位的公司,就需要考虑实施数字孪生。什么是数字孪生?为什么需要它们?以及要如何开发数字孪生呢?想要了解数字孪生,就必须要了解数字孪生能够带来哪些新的可能性。通过本文,我们将深入探讨数字孪生的特点和结构,以及如何制作一个优秀的数字孪生,并举例说明数字孪生的价值。

  • Simulation modeling helps consultancies solve real-world problems safely and efficiently. Across industries and disciplines, simulation provides insight and analysis that is easily verified, communicated, and understood.

    Read on and discover why consulting practices around the world use simulation, see examples of their work, and find out how to get started.

  • Simulation exists because of learning, that is its origin. Tutors, students, and researchers, in all kinds of fields at institutions around the world, now benefit from simulation modeling.

    In this paper, we show why simulation is used in teaching, how it assists research, and how to choose the right tool for your simulation modeling needs.

  • Artificial intelligence technologies like machine learning are enabling companies to leverage their data and benefit from new insights and efficiencies. The effects can already be seen in industries throughout the global economy — a trend that will only increase. This whitepaper introduces the technologies companies are using, gives practical and industrial examples, and shows how both simulation and artificial intelligence together resolve problems and make a powerful combination. You also receive access to materials for a deeper dive into AI and simulation in business — a hands-on simulation model, presentations, and videos. Get the Artificial Intelligence and Simulation in Business whitepaper and supporting materials!

  • In this paper, we cover the different approaches to simulation modeling and define multimethod (also called hybrid) modeling. Moving from theory to practice, we will build a multimethod simulation model example, analyze it, and find a solution to the most common issue for novice modelers: how to choose the most appropriate modeling method or combination of methods to meet your challenge and purpose.

  • “ORMS Today” journal, published by a global institute of operational management and analytics “INFORMS”, completed a detailed simulation software comparison of popular competitor tools for discrete event modeling. In 2017 this simulation software survey was supported by 38 developers with 45 tools. Data used in the research was kindly presented by the developers themselves. The document contains the list of competing simulation software features, such as 3D animation support, import of CAD charts, export of ready-to-use models, and more.