AnyLogic Conference Host: John Yedinak, Managing Director at The AnyLogic Company — North America
Video |
Presentation |
Industry |
Organization |
Workshops |
Adding Python to Your Simulation Modeling Workflow: The Pypeline and Alpyne Libraries |
Artificial Intelligence, Python Connector |
From Good to Great: Masterclass in AnyLogic Modelling
Best Practices (AnyLogic & AnyLogic Cloud)
The Future of the AnyLogic Community
Community Discussion
Don't Try DRL without This: Teaching AI Skills and Strategies
Artificial Intelligence
Reinforcement Learning for Simulation - Business Advantages and Use Cases
Artificial Intelligence
An Overview of Applied AI in AnyLogic: Technology Stack and Ecosystem
Artificial Intelligence
Presentations |
An Agent-based Simulation Exploration of Satisficing Behaviors in a Complex Financial Economy
Social Processes, Economy
University of Sydney |
System of Systems Modeling to Empower Decision Makers in Drone-based Services - an Application in Agriculture
An Agent-based Model to Simulate COVID-19 Spread in Hong Kong Using Secondary Data of Demographic and Travel Characteristics
Healthcare, COVID-19
Combining Simulation and Optimization to Determine Inventory Norms for a Complex Multi-echelon Distribution Network with Limited Shelf Life Products
Supply Chain
Strategic Concept Design of Freight Systems (STRATCODE): An optimization - Simulation Approach |
Transportation, Environmental Impact
Simulating Warehouse Cluster Pick to Validate Productivity and Congestion
Simulation Modeling and Assessment Analysis of Case Sortation System for a Warehouse
Simulating Batch Pick to Putwall Operation for e-Commerce Warehouses
Simulate and Optimize the Utilization of Resources in a Steel Company Lime Plant Feeding Circuit
Green Hydrogen Supply Chains
Supply Chain, Energy
Studying the Impacts of Utilizing Different Transportation Methods to Transfer Emergency Cases in Long Distances
Transportation, Healthcare
Modeling Intelligent Control Systems Based on a Digital Platform for the Management of Distributed Energy Systems
A Multi-agent Based Simulation for a Meat Cooling Facility’s Participation in the Nordic Electricity Market
Energy, Environmental Impact
Novel Simulation Approach in Studying the Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions on the Spread of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia
Healthcare, COVID-19
Supply Chain Network Optimization using Simulation and Vehicle Routing Optimization
Supply Chain, Transportation
Emergency Department Crowding Decision Analysis
Modelling Algida Ice Cream Cold Storage Warehouse Operations
The Wealth Gap Challenge - An Anylogic Simulation to Explain the Large & Growing Wealth Gap in the World
Social Processes, Economy
How to Increase Performance of Steel Service Center
Trust-based Resource Sharing in Distributed Manufacturing
Simulating and Evaluating the Bullwhip Effect along an End-to-end Semiconductor Automotive Supply Chain amid COVID-19 Crisis
Supply Chain
Agent-Based Model to Design and Support E-Mobility Transformation for Municipal Vehicle Fleets
Simulation as a Decision Supporting Tool in Intralogistics Automation
Manufacturing, Logistics
Modeling Social Behavior on Energy Consumption – an Agent-based with Multivariate Regression Approach
Energy, Environmental Impact
Optimizing Large-scale Transporter-fleet-operations
Warehousing, Transportation
Agent-based Optimal Energy Flow of Integrated Energy System
AI and Simulation for Maritime Terminal Management
Ports & Terminals, Artificial Intelligence
Analysis of the Vulnerabilities of a Metro Station under Terrorist Attacks
Security, Emergency Planning, Passenger Terminals
Simulation of Manufacturing Operation of a New Pharma Facility Concept to Support Key Design Decision
Manufacturing, Healthcare
Combining Discrete Event Modelling with Personalised Operation Duration Predictions to Optimise Planning and Improve the Productivity of Surgical Pathways
Performance Evaluation Tool for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
Flattening the Emotional Curve with New AI systems: Computer Simulation as a Tool for Policymakers and Stakeholders in Times of Crisis
Healthcare, Social Processes, Artificial Intelligence
Using Reinforcement Learning to Solve a Variation of the 3D Bin Packing Problem
Artificial Intelligence
AnyLogic 8 New Features. Python in AnyLogic (R&D)
Simulation Software
AnyLogic 9 Features & Demo. AnyLogic Cloud
Simulation Software
Production Scheduling Tool for Metal Meshes Factory
Scaling AnyLogic Models for Mass Runs and Sub-Second Responses
Best Practices (AnyLogic & AnyLogic Cloud)
Tire Factory Simulation for Resource Capacity, Schedules and Investments Analysis
Future Proofing Complex Automation Infrastructure at Vendasta
Business Processes, Marketing
Supply Chain Digital Twin for Order To Delivery Forecasting
Supply Chain
A Software Library for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Active Shooting Events
Security, Emergency Planning, Modeling Technique
Designing and Simulating a Multi-depot Omnichannel Last-mile Delivery Operation using a VRP Solver and AnyLogic
Supply Chain, Transportations
A Digital Twin of the Vancouver Longshore Labour Dispatch
Human Resources, Ports & Terminals
Cement Supply Scheduling in the Eastern Caribbean through Agent-based Simulation Model in AnyLogic
Simulation of Disease Progression for Drug Forecasting
Optimization and Simulation Model for a Coal Mine
Versatility of Simulation in Contemporary Research and Development
Academic Research
Agent-based Modeling for Bus Bunching Analysis in Public Transit and Impacts of Regulation Methods in Quebec City
Real-time Health Policy Support of COVID Pandemic
Healthcare, COVID-19
Simulation of Behavior Economics Theory as Applied to Organizations
Social Processes, Economics
Automatic Generation of Simulation Models Using Process Templates
Insurance, Modeling Technique
Combining a Digital Twin and Collaborative Design at the Montreal International Airport to Create a Smart Baggage Handling System (BHS)
Passenger Terminals
Simulating Off-site Construction Factories to Deliver Energy-efficient Modular Buildings
Construction, Digital Twin, Energy, Environmental Impact |
Applying Reinforcement Learning to Industry 4.0 Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence
Simulating Parcel Logistics Network at Scale