Amazon developed an approach to transportation network optimization for the customer’s seamless online shopping experience. Discover all the steps, from analyzing yard risks to developing complex traffic flow models to minimize delays and enhance customer satisfaction, especially during peak periods. Study the AnyLogic simulation models that drive Amazon's continuous improvement, saving time and resources.
加利福尼亚州计划投资1亿美元用于长滩港Pier B码头的铁路设施建设。TranSystems,一家运输与供应链领域的权威咨询公司,有超过25年的项目经验,为满足项目需求并获得决策人员的共识,长滩港选择与TranSystems合作对港口铁路系统需求进行量化。为向决策人员展示所需进行的变更,对港口的铁路系统进行建模是非常必要的。
巴西零售公司Lojas Renner S.A.打算改变配送业务。他们使用AnyLogic仿真了最后一英里的配送业务,并在规划客户配送方面获得了有价值的结果。
Discover how Maestro Pizza, in collaboration with Jaco-Ben Consulting, optimized food delivery and streamlined restaurant employee scheduling in Saudi Arabia. Explore insights on staffing, delivery routes, and the key role of additional drivers for effective food delivery.
InterBarge是一家隶属于SCF Marine的一流水路运营商, Seacor控股集团的一部分,在HPP航道(Hidrovia Parana Paraguay,位于阿根廷,巴拉圭,巴西和乌拉圭)的专用合约航道中运营货物。推船和驳船都是预先签订的合同。在一年中的某些季节,这些资源没有合同承诺和/或在某些旅行中没有免费得车队。
An Indian consulting company BlueKei Solutions simulated, with AnyLogic software, the deployment in the agricultural field of drones for their client. As a result, the simulation showed a few insights that could avoid the extra investment in drones and better planning of the drone operations.
Cementos Argos是一家哥伦比亚的水泥生产商。Argos打算优化调度,以避免轮转延误及产生滞期费,并使船舶容量利用率达到100%。该案例显示了仿真建模如何帮助达到84%的供应计划完成率和99%的船舶容量利用率。