Spare Part Management in a Testing Workshop

This paper is mainly talking about how to improve the spare part management in Robert Bosch China Diesel (RBCD) testing work shop using simulation – a new advanced visualized technology. In order to give a clear description of the problem in the following part, we have to introduce the RBCD testing workshop first. As RBCD’s name can tell us, the top 500 company BOSCH has a sub-plant in Wuxi China. Its main products are injectors, at the meantime it also produces other products like tail gas treating units for automobiles.

In order to visualize our improvement strategy, we use AnyLogic, which is one kind of modeling and simulation software to do the visualization and measurement. Through building performance measures in simulation, we get some basic results regarding the stock level of spare parts, including Work In Process (WIP), Length Of Stay (LOS) in the first three processes, the gross profit, inventory cost and net profit.
