Modeling S-Class Car Seat Control with AnyLogic — Daimler-Chrysler Modeling Contest

Many different object-oriented methods for the development of embedded real-time systems have been made public during the last years. Some of them are already supported by off-the-shelf tools, others are still research prototypes. From the viewpoint of industry research, Daimler-Chrysler decided to identify the best development method. The comparison was performed in the form of a contest, where different methods were applied to the same problem. The real-life working specifications of the S-class car seat control were offered as the problem definition.
With over a decade experience in OO modeling and real-time systems, St. Petersburg Technical University and XJ Technologies took part in the contest. The model of the car seat was developed with the modeling and simulation tool AnyLogic from XJ Technologies that supports the extended UML-RT as the modeling language.
The result of that development work – an executable animated model of the car seat controller, conforming all specifications and supporting the predefined interfaces – demonstrated that the modeling approach supported by AnyLogic is highly applicable to the automotive area. The model appeared to be very compact, precise, well-structured and intuitive; it was awarded the 1st prize at the contest.

Structure of the Controller Class

Structure of the Controller Class
