Published Paper Program

Published Paper Program

Attention all University students and Professors! Want to receive 50% off your AnyLogic yearly maintenance?

It's simple as...

1. Mention AnyLogic as an integral tool used for your research in your published paper.
2. Submit the paper to, Attn: Rene Reiter
3. Receive 50% off next year's maintenance agreement, up to $500

AnyLogic will now reward you when using our software for your University research projects. Rules and restrictions apply to safeguard the integrity of the program and your hard work, contact AnyLogic for details. We are eager to read about the complex problems you are solving using AnyLogic software. By ensuring your maintenance with AnyLogic is up to date, you are guaranteed technical support and all version upgrades, and as you know, AnyLogic is constantly improving and enhancing the already superior software, so take advantage of the Published Paper Program today. *Program is for customers in the US, Canada and Mexico.

We look forward to your submissions!
