Dr. J. Eric Dietz Using AnyLogic for Purdue Homeland Security Institute Projects

Dr. J. Eric Dietz Using AnyLogic for Purdue Homeland Security Institute Projects

It is my pleasure to introduce Dr. J. Eric Dietz Director of Purdue Homeland Security Institute (PHSI) and share with you the programs he has driven to success, as he is a long-time user and advocate of AnyLogic and agent-based modeling.

Since retiring as Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Army in 2004, Dr. Dietz's list of accomplishments is overwhelming in the fields of homeland security, public safety, risk management, critical infrastructure protection, and emergency planning for both Purdue University and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.

Dr. Dietz is current Director of PHSI which was established in response to the events on September 11th, 2001 with the charter to help our nation prevent, protect, respond and recover from any threat or action taken against our homeland (http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/phsi/, 2016). The Institute offers courses, research, and experience with "real-world" initiatives. AnyLogic is featured in a Homeland security seminar and is being used to model the Regional Hub Reception Center (RHRC) operations to optimize evacuation locations and resources.

PHSI calls home to Discovery Park, which provides open, collaborative research environments where interdisciplinary projects are connected throughout Purdue, Purdue Research Park and the world. In 2001, Purdue University's Discovery Park was just an idea, launched with a $5 million commitment from the state of Indiana for a nanotechnology center. Today, it's more than a $1.15 billion research and learning complex of centers and institutes, where faculty and students use an interdisciplinary approach to tackle the global challenges (http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/about/history.php, 2016).

Dr. J. Eric Dietz Using AnyLogic for Purdue Homeland Security Institute Projects
