AnyLogic 7 Alpha Presented at Simulation Events in the UK

AnyLogic 7 Alpha Presented at Simulation Events in the UK
This September the simulation society in UK enjoyed two meaningful events – OR55 Annual Conference and 8th EUROSIM Congress. The first one is more attended by practitioners and the second one is a more academic event. At both conferences people were very excited about AnyLogic 7, although there were concerns by the move towards a wizard based system and how it might damage the 'power' of AnyLogic. We are keen to assure you that it is a baseless fear! Wizards are aimed to facilitate the learning curve for those who are new to the software. If you do not need Wizard’s assistance, you can easily skip this option and continue creating models via regular interface. Besides the very exciting preview of AnyLogic 7, dseConsulting, our only official UK supplier and provider of support and training for AnyLogic, delivered their Tutorial on multi-method simulation modelling. The tutorial was attended by 60 people, was well received and generated some interesting discussions. The AnyLogic 6 in three days book, which was distributed at the events, proved to be a popular information source.
