
Professor Jay W. Forrester

Professor Jay W. Forrester

Jay W. Forrester SM ’45, professor emeritus in the MIT Sloan School of Management, founder of the field of system dynamics, and a pioneer of digital computing, died Nov. 16. He was 98 (1). Forrester received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1939 from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, was inducted in 1949 into Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) the Electrical & Computer Engineering Honor Society, and went on to graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he would spend his entire career. During the 1940s and early 50s, he did research in electrical and computer engineering, heading the Whirlwind project, perfecting magnetic-core memory, and developing the "multi-coordinate digital information storage device"

2015 Conference of the System Dynamics Society

2015 Conference of the System Dynamics Society

The annual System Dynamics conference brings together people from around the world to share important research and application results and to build the community of those active in the field. The 2015 conference theme is “Reinventing Life on a Shrinking Earth.” While Earth has not changed size in absolute terms, it is shrinking with respect to the activity it supports. Complex business and societal challenges have arisen from the increasing activity on the globe that conventional institutional designs have failed to address. System Dynamics uniquely provides a strategic framework to explore the challenges of a shrinking Earth, giving a greater understanding and exposing counter-intuitive insights that allow us to reinvent our institutions and our lives. The program includes plenary presentations that showcase important work in the field, parallel and poster sessions that present the most current research and applications, and a full day of skill-building workshops covering topics from basic software use to advanced analysis techniques.

Artificial Glaciers and AnyLogic Fight Against Climate Change

Artificial Glaciers and AnyLogic Fight Against Climate Change

Ladakh region, located in the north of India. It is unique by its climate where Arctic and desert conditions meet, and temperatures range from -35 °C in winter to 35 °C in summer. In the remote mountain parts of the land, agriculture is the core of the economy. Local farmers have been using water from glaciers for farming for centuries. Today, the global climate change has put the agriculture in danger: due to the global warming, the glaciers provide not enough water for irrigation during the most critical spring months. In January 2014, students and teachers from the local SECMOL school campus started working on the project called Ice Stupa. These are artificial glaciers named after traditional Buddhist stupas of Tibet because if the visual resemblance.

AnyLogic North America at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society

AnyLogic North America at the International Conference of the System Dynamics Society

AnyLogic North America participated in the 31st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, July 21 – July 25, 2013. The conference brought together people from around the world to share important research and application results to build the community of those active in the field of Systems Dynamics. Since SD is one of the main modeling methods in AnyLogic 6 (along with Agent based and Discrete Event modeling), this conference was a great chance for AnyLogic North America to expand the modeling horizons of SD community. As one of the Key Sponsor of the event, our logo and company information was prominently displayed across the venue.