


ITC Infotech致力于优化复杂资产密集型行业的库存管理。通过结合仿真、机器学习和优化,展示了针对可循环/可修复备件的有效资产管理和库存优化,从而平衡服务水平和库存成本。

消耗品在其使用寿命结束时被处理或回收,与它们在失效前的运行时间长短有关。这个时间通常被量化为故障前的平均时间- MTBF。对于可修复零件,还需要考虑修复时间,这取决于缺陷类型、工作中心可用性和维修部分可用性。



金融科技初创公司Eco Banking的现金流量分析系统,简化了股东、投资者和审计师的工作。

NFP为Eco Banking公司开发的EcoBanking系统(EBS)应用了新的分析方法,将时间延迟和非线性依赖性的历史数据考虑在内。 简而言之,建模时同时考虑了历史数据和预测结果,建立了一个可以快速明智地辅助股东、投资者和审计师做出决策的系统。

What's New in AnyLogic 7? Flexible resource management

What's New in AnyLogic 7? Flexible resource management

The fourth edition of the “What’s New in AnyLogic 7?” blog will take a closer look into the improvements of flexible resource management. The unnatural difference between “regular” and network based resources have been eliminated during, what the AnyLogic development team and seasoned users call, “The Great Merge.” “The Great Merge” is best depicted by the following scheme, which shows how agents, active objects, entities and resource units now all act as agents with their own behavior.